
2018/09/06 Our news
Become a participant of the Ukrainian-Polish Film Workshop 2018!

INGO “CinemaHall” with the general support of the film distribution company “KINOLIFE Distribution” announces a contest for participation in the Ukrainian-Polish film workshops “Polsko-Ukraińskie Warsztaty Reportażu Filmowego” and “AdVenture – Youth Adventure in Social Advertising”, which will be held from the 7th to 13th October in Olsztyn (Poland) in the context of  WAMA Film Festival.

During the workshops participants will be able to:

  • Listen to lectures and master classes from Polish cinematographers (script, directing, production, visualization, editing);
  • Get acquainted with the peculiarities of the culture of European countries;
  • Take part in the creation of films with teams from France, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine;
  • Find new friends and get an interesting experience.

The films created by the participants in the context of the project will be presented to the audience at the final ceremony of the 5th WAMA Film Festival in Olsztyn (Poland).

The mentor of the project is the ambassador of WAMA Film Festival, the world-famous director Jerzy Hoffman.

The organizers of the project provide: travel (Lviv-Olsztyn-Lviv), accommodation and meals for participants.

Participation is free, on a competitive basis.

Requirements for participants:

  • Age 16-30 years;
  • Biometric passport / foreign passport with a Polish or Schengen visa;
  • Knowledge of English (not below Intermediate level);
  • Internship in the projects of the company KINOLIFE Distribution at the end of the program of the Ukrainian-Polish film workshops “Polsko-Ukraińskie Warsztaty Reportażu Filmowego” and “AdVenture – Youth Adventure in Social Advertising” (1 month).

To take part in the national selection, it is necessary to:

The deadline to apply is September 15, 2018 inclusive.

Results announcement: September 18, 2018.

The exclusive partner of the project in Ukraine: INGO “CinemaHall”. The general partner for participants selection is “Kinolife Distribution”.