48Lyubomir Levytsky master class in KyivDate: 29.11.2014
35"Kinosummer" filming photosDate: 20.10.2014
20Graduates of the International Acting School powered by CinemaHall in ZhytomirDate: 05.10.2014
21Screening of the films by directors from Belarus in MinskDate: 23.09.2014
80Screening of the film 'Paradjanov' and a master-class by the scriptwriter, producer, and co-director of the film Elena FetisovaDate: 16.09.2014
75Ukrainian films at GogolfestDate: 18.09.2014
37Ukrainan films at Atr-picnik by Slava FrolovaDate: 11.08.2014
6CinemaHall at OIFF 2014Date: 25.07.2014
87Moldovan films screening in KievDate: 27.06.2014
27Screening of the films by Moldovan directors in ChisinauDate: 26.04.2014
7"CinemaHall" at "Short Waves"-2014Date: 12.04.2014
5One language - cinemaDate: 04.04.2014
6"CinemaHall" in the FICC Jury at "Molodist" IFF 2014Date: 22.12.2013
75International Acting School: casting calls and filmingDate: 20.10.2014
76International Acting School: study processDate: 20.10.2014
11International Acting School: graduatesDate: 20.10.2014
48"Le jour le plus Court" ScreeningsDate: 14.08.2014
32Directing master-class by Anna RadaDate: 28.12.2013
54Screening at Art-picnik by S. Frolova"Date: 28.12.2013
6"Eastalgia in Zaporozhjye!Date: 22.12.2013
47"CinemaHall demonstration" in KievDate: 28.12.2013
31Guy Nattive master-classDate: 28.12.2013
69Anatoliy Paduka master-classDate: 28.12.2013
8"Master-class "Woody Allen and his best films" by Ruben LandsbergerDate: 28.12.2013
37"Film from A to Z" workshopDate: 28.12.2013
263D animation master-class by Alexey KuharonokDate: 28.12.2013
22Adam Milewski master-classDate: 28.12.2013
21Scriptwriting master-class by Dmitri KostromenkoDate: 28.12.2013