
2016/03/25 Our news
Master-class in Scriptwriting

On March 31st at 19.00 (Kyiv time) in the program of “International Online Film School” there will be held an online master class in screenwriting by a screenwriter Olga Annenko.

“Being a writer – it’s like to be a magician of the highest level: wearing a tall hat on the head, holding many spells, despite the experience and ability, every time genuinely admiring the result. My workshop will focus on how to get the magic cap and use spell correctly “- Olga invites everybody to take part in a master class.
Olga Annenko – screenwriter. Among the completed projects – dozens of TV shows (“Spellbound Love”, “Dog”, “Division 44″, “Ruby Adventure”), feature films (“Code” Happy New Year”, “The Dark Side of the Moon”, “Mickey”) and sketches (“Three sisters”, “Matriarchy”, “Strong Weak Sex”, “Diary of a pregnant”, “Online”). Also known for her short films “Sorokovnik”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “I Sea You”, “Love with delivery”, “Tsivilization” and the play “Death Monroe”, “Letters to Seville.”
Master-Class Program:
1. The idea. The idea, as a fundamental element of any script. What should it be? How and where to find it? How to check for viability? How to work with ideas: to search, store, record, synchronize, do not forget to combine with other ideas.
2. The main character/characters. What you need to write about a hero that all believed in what he was really in charge? How to make a character interesting and understandable to spectators? The main formula for the Hero “Hero at the beginning of the film is not equal to the hero at the end of the movie.” How to describe it correctly?
3. The Plot. How should it be to capture from the first minute? How to build it so that it was impossible to move away from the screen? We speak of the three-act structure, a turning point and a goal hero.
4. Episode-by-Episode plan and dialogues. What should include Episode-by-Episode plan to be perfect? How to find an ideal balance between the dialogue in the script? How to write an interesting dialogue that is not only not boring to be read by the editor (director), but also to be watched by the audience? Dialogue as a way to reflect the character of the hero: how to do this reliably?…
During the master class students on an example of the script ideas will have the opportunity to study the characters of the protagonists, to formulate goals characters, describe the plot, plan and make Episode-by-Episode dialogues. Within a half an hour each participant will have a very short script of a short film.
You will got sure – to write the script is not too difficult, all you need to do is writing for eight hours a day for many years!
The duration of the master class: 1 hour 30 minutes. Participation fee: $4, for students $3. Language of the Master-Class: Russian.
Any citizen of any country can take part in this online event.